The Vitesco Technologies Group became part of the Schaeffler Group as of October 1, 2024, due to the merger of Vitesco Technologies Group AG into Schaeffler AG.

Please note: Legal or actual changes since October 1, 2024, are therefore no longer reflected in the content of the website.

As the website is no longer updated, we assume no liability for the content of this website, or the linked websites contained therein. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for their content.

Irrespective of this, you can still find the current BPCoC and the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase at Vitesco Technologies - Suppliers (

Under the following link you will find the current Schaeffler website:

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  • Press & Events Continental and Vitesco Technologies Reach Agreement on Allocation of Investigation Costs Q2 2024 financial figures Vitesco Technologies’ battery management electronics enters serial production.
    SIA POWERTRAIN 2024 Contact
  • Solutions
  • Electrification
  • Combustion
  • Beyond Powertrain
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  • Vitesco Technologies Aftermarket
  • Contact
  • Solutions Vitesco Technologies Combustion Solutions Beyond Powertrain DISCOVER PRODUCTS High Voltage Axle Drive (EMR3) High Voltage Battery Management System High Voltage Battery Junction Box High Voltage DC/DC Converter - 4th Generation High-Voltage Box - 2.0 Coolant Flow Control Valve 48V Belt Driven Starter Generator 48 V DC/DC Converter (air-cooled) Control Unit – Electric Drive (eDCU) High Voltage Inverter (EPF2.8+)
  • Technology Trends
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  • 48 V Powernet of the Future
  • Software-Defined Vehicle
  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Power Dense and Rare Earth Free eMachines
  • Zonal and Central Architectures
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  • Fail-Operational Autonomous Driving
  • Sustainable Automotive Industry
  • Digital Twins and Predicitive Maintenance
  • Future Mobility
  • Electrified Two-Wheelers & Commercial Vehicles
  • X-in-1 Powertrain
  • Next-Generation Wide Bandgap Materials
  • Technology Vehicle to X 48V Technology for Efficient Hybrid Cars Software-Defined Vehicle Life Cycle Assessment Power Dense and Rare Earth Free eMachines Zonal and central architectures Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technologies Fail-operational autonomous driving Sustainable automotive industry Digital twins and predicitive maintenance Future Mobility – Everything-as-a-Service Electrified Two-Wheelers & Commercial Vehicles X-in-1 Powertrain Next-Generation Wide Bandgap Materials for Smart Power Electronics
    Vitesco Technologies Independent Aftermarket Contact
    Vitesco Technologies
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    The information on this website is non-binding and is made available exclusively for informational purposes. It is only of an informative nature and does not represent offers as defined in the relevant legal regulations. Further information and contractual conditions can be obtained through the responsible authorized dealers. It is not possible for a contract relating to goods presented to arise on the basis of the information contained on the website.

    The information on the website and the products and services described in that information can be changed or updated by Schaeffler AG at any time and without prior notice. Unless explicitly stated elsewhere, the Vitesco Technologies websites contain no guarantees or quality descriptions for which Schaeffler AG is liable – either explicit or tacit – nor with respect to the topicality, accuracy, completeness and quality of the information.

    Schaeffler AG does not assume any liability in conjunction with its websites.

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    The website contains links to external websites belonging to third parties, over which Schaeffler AG has no influence concerning content. Therefore, Schaeffler AG also cannot accept any liability for this other content. The page’s respective provider or operator is always responsible for the contents of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time the links were created. Unlawful content was not detected at the time the links were created. However, ongoing inspection of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete indication of a legal violation.

    Schaeffler AG will immediately remove the relevant links if they are found to violate any law.

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    This website may contain information about Vitesco Technologies products which are not available in your country. The existence of such information on this website does not imply an intention on the part of Schaeffler AG to assert the availability of any such products everywhere in the world. Please inquire through your Vitesco Technologies dealership or representative to learn more about the future plans for products that are not currently available to you.

    Brands and Copyright Laws

    The brands and logos (“Trademarks”) shown on these websites are the property of Vitesco Technologies GmbH or its subsidiaries. None of the information on this website is to be interpreted as granting licenses on Trademarks. The express written consent of the Vitesco Technologies company holding the rights is necessary for this. Unauthorized use of these Trademarks is strictly prohibited. The Vitesco Technologies company holding the rights will assert its intellectual property rights worldwide within the scope of the applicable legislation.

    Vitesco Technologies GmbH or its subsidiaries are the authors of the photographs and illustrations ("Works") displayed on this website; Vitesco Technologies GmbH is entitled to use the copyrighted Works displayed. Except as expressly permitted on this Web Site, none of the information contained on this Web Site shall be construed as granting any license to any such works. This requires the express written consent of Vitesco Technologies GmbH. Unauthorized use of these works is strictly prohibited. Vitesco Technologies GmbH will enforce its copyrights worldwide to the extent of the applicable laws.

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